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Expired or Revoked Certificates
Apple Push Notification Service Certificate
You can no longer send push notifications to your app.
Pass Type ID Certificate (Passbook)
If your certificate expires, passes that are already installed on users' devices will continue to function normally. However, you will no longer be able to sign new passes or send updates to existing passes. If your certificate has been revoked, your passes will no longer function properly.
iOS Distribution Certificate (App Store)
If your Apple Developer Program membership is valid, your existing apps on the App Store will not be affected. However, you will no longer be able to submit new apps or updates to the App Store.
iOS Distribution Certificate (in-house, internal use apps)
Users will no longer be able to run apps that have been signed with this certificate. You must distribute a new version of your app that is signed with a new certificate.
Mac App Distribution Certificate and Mac Installer Distribution Certificate (Mac App Store)
If your Apple Developer Program membership is valid, your existing apps on the Mac App Store will not be affected. However, you will no longer be able to submit new apps or updates to the Mac App Store.
Developer ID Application Certificate (Mac applications)
If your certificate expires, users can still download, install, and run versions of your Mac applications that were signed with this certificate. However, you will need a new certificate to sign updates and new applications. If your certificate has been revoked, users will no longer be able to install applications that have been signed with this certificate. If your Mac application utilizes a Developer ID provisioning profile to take advantage of advanced capabilities such as CloudKit and push notifications, you must ensure your Developer ID provisioning profile is valid in order for installed versions of your application to run. Read more.
Developer ID Installer Certificate (Mac applications)
If your certificate expires, users can no longer launch installer packages for your Mac applications that were signed with this certificate. Previously installed apps will continue to run however new installations will not be possible until you have re-signed your installer package with a valid Developer ID Installer certificate. If your certificate has been revoked, users will no longer be able to install applications that have been signed with this certificate.
The Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority issues certificates used by developers for signing third party apps and Safari Extensions, and for using Apple Wallet and Apple Push Notification services. We've issued a renewed certificate that must be included when signing all new Apple Wallet Passes, Apple Push Notifications, and Safari Extensions starting February 14, 2016. Read more.